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A term you will hear (or may have heard already) this year at Awbrey Park Elementary is Positive Behavior Interveniton Support – also known as PBIS. PBIS is an approach to behavior management on a school-wide level targeting specific settings such as the playground, halls, cafeteria, classroom, or with an individual student.  

To help ensure the success of all students, it is essential that parents become familiar with our school rules and behavior expectations. Working together as parents and educators, we can help build a positive climate and culture here at Awbrey Park.

Our basic school rules are meant to be simple, clear, and easy for students to remember. For each rule there are examples of how that rule is applied in various school settings. Examples of some of the expectations for behavior in each school setting are written out in the behavior grid, included in our PBIS brochure that parents receive the first week of school or at the following link: